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Eugene Burger Management Corporation (EBMC) Has Picked RentGrow

Eugene Burger Management Corporation (EBMC) has been delivering exceptional services in the property management industry ever since 1968 managing residential and commercial assets in the state of California, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, Colorado and Texas. To boost their products and services much better, EBMC has picked RentGrow as its favored tenant screening programs supplier for all EBMC-managed apartments and single-family leased residences. Building an assessment committee of nine staff members, Eugene Burger Management Corporation has shortlisted no less than six firms just before making a choice and established an agreement with RentGrow. Aside from being conveniently integrated with EBMC’s existing Yardi Voyager, RentGrow provides powerful online tenant-screening tools and expertise that will help optimize revenue, control risk, and sustain compliant, safe, and financially rewarding communities.